"familiar shortening of masc. proper name Thomas, used by late14c. as a type of a nickname for a common man. Tom Walker , U.S. Southern colloquial for"the devil" is recorded from 1833."
Tom Buchanan is a very abrasive and self-important figure in the novel. However, the common nature of his name parallels his truly common personality. He is arrogant and incredibly wealthy, capable of transporting a whole string of polo horses to his impressive estate at East Egg. A rather unimpressive character belies all this wealth; Tom is crude, ignorant, and a bit racist (believing the "Nordic" race to be the dominant race that must suppress the rise of others). All of these qualities, and the fact that he cheats on his wife, construct his character as rather brutish and beast-like. He is simple and immoral man that hides behind the veil of wealth to attain approval, much like Gatsby hides behind his wealth (although for other reasons).
"O.E. dægesege, from dæges eage "day's eye," because the petals open at dawn and close at dusk. In M.L. it was solis oculus "sun'seye." Pushing up daisies "dead" is attested from1918, but variant with the same meaning go back to 1842."
Daisy could be described as a whimsical character. Her speech and the description of her appearance give the impression that she is a delicate sort of fairy that floats through life trying to ignore her troubles (such has her unfaithful husband). Daisies are resilient and as the etymology states, represent the "day's eye". She behaves in a lively manner and becomes giddy over small things, such as Gatsby's shirts and the clouds they gaze at together. In the face of company she is typically all sunshine and rainboes. However, she "turns a blind eye", so to speak, to the more reprehensible aspects of her life which could be symbolic of the daisy closing at dusk. The saying "pushing up daisies" also provides some insight into Daisy and Gatsby's relationship. "Pushing up daisies" signifies uncovering what is dead and buried. Daisy and Gatsby's relationship was a memory, a part of the past; a memory which Gatsby is desperately trying to uncover throughout the text. Often though, it is best to leave dead things buried, as Gatsby is sure to find out.
"c.1300, Supposedly influenced by L. Gaius, a common proper name. For other birdnames from proper names, cf. martin and parrot. Applied to theN.Amer. blue jay ( Cyanocitta cristata ) from 1709. Applied to humans in sense of "impertinent chatterer, flashy dresser" from 1620s."
Jay (Gatsby), is derived from the common proper name Gaius, a common name for Roman emperors . This name evokes greatness but is also described as slang, meaning "impertinent chatterer" and "flashy dresser". These are two aspects that are apparent in Gatsby's personality. He is frequently described wearing gold, silver, or pink shirts, and white suits. These flashy colors compliment his flashy personality and speech. He refers to men as "old sport" and has twice already, throughout the course of the novel, thrown two lavish parties. This flashiness seems to be covering up a true identity. Nobody knows who the real Jay Gatsby is, what he does, or where he comes from. His background is a point of contention in the dialogue amongst his guests and in Nick's thoughts, which the reader is allowed access to through his narration. Beneath the facade of this flashy materialism there dwells deeper story.
"as a boy's name is pronounced NIK-oh-lus. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Nicholas is "people of victory". Biblical: one of seven "qualified men" in the first-century Christian congregation. "
Within the first few pages of the story Nick, our narrator, establishes himself as a well-off character from an affluent family. He is from a "people of victory" and of the breed of "qualified men". The key for Nick is that he believes himself to be of a certain quality of man due to his blood-line that entitles him to success/victory. He assumes that he will go into the bond business and do well because many do, and intends to stay on the East coast for quite a while. The journey for Nick, and a large factor in what makes this story a bildungsroman, is based around his experience of working for victory and earning it himself. He has to learn that he is not qualified on account of relations, but instead on account of himself.
I don't have much to say about the name Jordan apart from the relevance of it being a name that can be used for a male or female. This corroborates Jordan's somewhat androgynous identity. She has a boyish body, and is a professional athlete. Her entire demeanor is somewhat gruff or at least ambivalent, in sharp contrast to the incredibly delicate and feminine Daisy. These women are intriguing foils of each other; each emphasizes the extreme nature of the other's personality through the juxtaposition of their behavior.
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